Radical Unlearning


WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE to perform optimally in life?

WHAT WOULD IT LOOK LIKE to Shatter your limiting beliefs?

WHAT CAN IT LOOK LIKE to Get out of your own way?


INTERNALLY:    Power, Balance, Grace, Peace, Security, Grounding, Mastery

EXTERNALLY:   Leadership, Instilling Empowerment to Others, Mentorship, Being a Luminary

YOUR LEGACY:  Realization of Vision, Purpose, Enrichment to Humanity, Valor & Service



…DOES NOT ONLY MEAN putting your foot on the accelerator and throwing fuel on the fire– It also means taking your foot off the brakes!     THAT is Radical Unlearning.


BRAIN SCIENCE RESEARCH heavily documents how we formulate our behavior.  We are what we pay attention to- exactly in the same way we formulate habits.
WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO UNLEARN; Unlearning is accessed through our brain’s Neuro-plasticity.   When we feed our senses, our brain, with different forms of negativity, bias, fear-conceived misinformation, it actually propagates dystopian programming, neuro-imprinting, that becomes the dominant driver in our lives. Toxic fuel IN- Poor performance OUT.  It is that simple. THIS IS NOT a path nor journey one seeking mastery would prefer given another choice.  THIS requires Radical UnlearningTM.  


Nobody talks about taking our foot off the brake – About Quieting the demoralizing inner-voice psychology terms The Critical Parent.  It is about stepping into our fears rather than fleeing, about shedding the scar tissue that has built up over our lifetime by misplaced shame, embarrassment, criticism, the multiple forms of bias, humiliation, misinformation, bad communication, charged language, trauma, abuse, laziness, false faith, faulty instruction, bad parenting and bad upbringing, oh you know, the circumstances that fell short of expectation, disappointment, isolation, divisiveness, blame, … shall we go on?


What do ALL of these have in common?  They are friction points standing between us and our being the highest and best expression of ourselves.  They are dark patches, the absence of light, that deprive us of the vision necessary to guide us to our True North.  This is baggage, the weight on our shoulders that grinds us down, impedes our flight, adds stress, anxiety, and volatility to our already hectic lives. These corrode us from the inside and have us get in our own way. These toxic programs isolate us and leave us out in the cold. This negative programming deprives us of fulfilling our highest contributions to our and others’ lives, and these prevent us from reaching our potentiality.


And What do we lose???  Our curiosity, creativity, Personal security, innovation, confidence.  We isolate from community, togetherness, cohesiveness.  We lose grasp of our positivity, purpose, drive, passion, grace, and inner peace.


We are what we pay attention to.   So what are you paying attention to? Anyone can tell what an organization values simply by what its people pay attention to (by what they recognize). So, what are you paying attention to?  It is time for Radical Unlearning™ and to apply the principles of Conscious Intelligence®.



ERIC ERENSTOFT |  Former Disney Executive, Strategic Business Consultant, and Entrepreneur / CEO that has worked in and called six different countries home.  He is a Futurist, Visionary, Competitive athlete, Martial and Yogic Artist, LA Co Fire Department First Responder, adventure traveler, and GenX’er.  He is a prolific Author,  Storyteller, and expert on Conscious Intelligence ®

Conscious Intelligence® facilitates decisions that are necessary to create fundamental shifts in one’s life, organization, career, or relationship– whether it is a pivot, an evolution, scaling, or a complete re-boot. This means playing bigger, coming to terms with resistance, and committing to breakthrough thinking and transformational results by jumping in and engaging.

  eSpeakers : CVP Certification